
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

It’s so easy to get caught up in frustrations, unmet expectations, and less than desirable circumstances. What helps me to see life a little differently?

It helps to have a grateful heart. 

For me, it looks like humility. I turn my focus towards what God has already provided for me and a wave of assurance rushes over me.

He has given me a roof over my head and a family that loves me.

He provided me a new car.

He died on a cross so that I can have eternal life. 

He has answered prayers to some of my deepest desires. 

He takes time to hear each of the words I say to Him. 

He loves me no matter what. There is nothing I could do to change His affection towards me.

What are the ways that God is teaching you about being grateful? Is it easy to overlook the small things in life He has provided? Sometimes the smallest gifts are full of thoughtfulness from Him. His love abounds for you.